Do something different and try foraging! A great chance to visit somewhere new, connect with other students and learn a new skill. We will meet at University Square, where you'll be led down to Liverpool Central Station and take the train out to Port Sunlight on the Wirral. There, we will meet our foraging expert, Daniel, who will lead you on a walk of the local area, discussing the basics of foraging and collecting wild garlic along the way. We will then hop back on the train and head home to the Guild, where Daniel will run us through the steps to turn the garlic we found into garlic pesto, which you can bring home and enjoy in your own cooking!
Halls exclusive: Note: This event is for students in UoL halls (Dover, Crown, Philharmonic, Tudor, Vine, Melville, Greenbank) and certain private halls only. Contact: Ollie Walford (
If you buy this ticket online via the Guild website, you will be charged a transaction fee of 1.5% per ticket, plus a 30p surcharge. Tickets are also available via the Guild Reception between 9am-4:45pm, Monday to Friday. At Reception, you will not be charged a transaction fee, but please note this method is cash only and we would ask that you please bring the correct tender, where possible.