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24 candidates, 5 days of campaigning and 100s of freebies later, we can announce that your new Student Officer team are for 2025/26.

With 4437 votes, your Student Officers are:  

  • Othman Ibrahim (Guild President)
  • Holly Thompson 
  • Will Jones
  • Jitendra Inturi 

Elected by a campus wide vote our 4 Student Officers work full time at the Guild to support activities, run campaigns and bring your ideas to life, making sure everyone can hear your voices loud and clear. 

It is a job in which no two days are the same; from attending University Committee meetings to leading campaigns and planning our activities, it really is a year (or two) like no other. Most importantly our Student Officers represent you, making sure students stay at the heart of everything we do. 

There are lots of ways you can get involved in the Student Officer Elections from standing as a candidate, joining a campaign team to using your voice and voting. 

There is no interview for the role - the positions are filled each year through our Student Officer Elections. All you have to do is put yourself forward during our nomination period and then campaign before and during our voting week on why you’d be perfect for the job. 

We believe that every student has the potential and the qualities to be a great Student Officer, leading the Guild to new and exciting heights. If you do decide to become a candidate, our staff team will be on hand to support you every step of the way. 

We’re a democratically led organisation for over 30,000 student members. Our staff team work together to carry out our mission, vision and values. 

Every year, students are given the chance to vote for, and stand to be one of, the four Student Officers who run our organisation. The four who are elected are paid a salary and work full-time with us for one year. Their post involves representing students and making day–to-day decisions on behalf of the organisation. The Student Officers make up one-third of the Board of Trustees, which is chaired by the President. 

You can nominate yourself at – follow the links on the home page. At the point of nomination, you will need to give us a manifesto and your name. 

If you’ve never used our website before, you might need to configure your account first. Just login with your university details. 

Guild elections use the single transferable vote (STV) system. The election is preferential. Voters can rank as many candidates as they choose, in the order they like them best. All candidates run for the President role, and the ‘top’ 4 candidates are elected in order; President, Deputy President, & two Vice Presidents.

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