Membership of Liverpool Guild of Students has three tiers: Members, Associate Members (who are Associate Members, Life Members, Honorary Life Members and Reciprocal Members), and Users.
Full Members
All registered students of the University of Liverpool whose studies are substantially conducted at the University’s UK campuses are automatically full Members of Liverpool Guild of Students.
Full Members may make use of any of the services and facilities of the Guild, vote and stand in elections for Student Officer, be appointed as a Student Trustee, submit ideas to and participate in Guild Summit, vote in our Annual Members Meeting, and join Clubs and Societies and stand for their committees.
University of Liverpool Online students and those students undertaking a period of study at the University of Liverpool but whose degree is awarded by another institution may not be full Members but may be admitted as associate members as described below.
Associate Members
Students studying at other, defined, institutions may become an associate member. Associate Members are entitled to limited use the Guild’s facilities, join Clubs and Societies and use our Advice service but are not entitled to participate in the governance of the Guild (ie. voting in elections or standing to be a Sabbatical Officer or Trustee) and may not be elected to the committee of a club or society. Associate Members are not Members of the Guild for the purposes of the Companies Act 2006.
The Guild has the following types of associate membership:
Associate Members
The following may be admitted as Associate Members
- Students of other institutions undertaking a period of study at the University of Liverpool, including: International Exchange students.
- Students undertaking University of Liverpool programmes not delivered on the University’s UK campuses, including: Cayman Islands Law School or an Online Programme.
- Students of other institutions with a formal association to the University of Liverpool, including: The University of Liverpool International College, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Go Higher students or University of Law at Liverpool.
- University alumni, Guild and University staff, past members of the Guild, Friends of the Guild.
Life Members
Former members of the Guild may become Life Members of the Guild at the discretion of the Trustees.
Liverpool Guild of Students does not currently issue life memberships.
Reciprocal Members
Members of other Students’ Unions may be granted reciprocal membership status at the discretion of the Trustees.
Honorary Life Members
The Trustees may confer Honorary Life Membership on any person at their discretion.
Users are students entitled to Full Member status who have opted-out of their membership. Users are entitled to make use of the services and facilities of the Guild and may join Clubs and Societies but may not participate in the governance of the Guild.
Opting Out
Students at the University of Liverpool are automatically conferred membership of Liverpool Guild of Students on joining the university however students who wish to opt-out and end their membership must indicate their wish to do so in writing to the Director of Student Administration and Support within 4 weeks of the start of each year of their course by completing the relevant form available from Student Administration and Support Division in the Foundation Building, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L69 7ZX.