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Meet fellow students, make friends and inspire community at the Guild!

Join us for our first All Student Community Meet Up of the year!

Our student communities at the Guild are for you to meet likeminded people, help make change and gather insight to help your student experience. 

The Student Communities are split into 8 distinct groups that are traditionally the most left out and marginalised within society - Disabled students, Mature Students, Postgraduate Students, LGBTQ+ Students, REACH Students (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage), Black Students, Women Students and International Students. 

In this session, the Officers will also be on hand to introduce these to you, as well as the Guild societies, More Than A Month and discuss their work over the coming months!

There will be free refreshments and food, and plenty of time to network!

If you have any dietary or access requirements for the event, please get in touch with us by emailing