For Terms and Conditions see here.
Get to know the LDU!

In our Zombie Apocalypse Training Session, participants will engage in a number of activities that will exercise some of the core skills in competitive debating: 

- Characterisation 
- Analysis 
- Rebuttal 
- Weighing 
- Style 
- Framing 
- Policy Implementation

…however, this session has a special twist - instead of usual topics like politics, sports, art, philosophy, social justice, economics, etc., each activity will take place in the scenario of a zombie apocalypse!!!!
(Oooh, scary)

All skill-levels are welcome to participate or watch, as we hope this session will form a good bedrock of skills to those new to debating, and a fun re-fresher for those returning to the game. 

18:00-19:00 - The Zombie Apocalypse Activity Training Session 

19:00-21:00 - A Themed Competitive Debate Spar In British Parliamentary Debate Format (feel free to watch, speak or judge)

21:00-22:00 - Relax In The Courtyard After The Session To Meet The Committee, Learn About The Society And Befriend Our Members

Depending on availability, we may also be giving away free LDU-branded water bottles and pens to attendees of the Training Session. 

You can come to any section of this Give It A Go session, simply whichever parts suit your schedule and interests - and don’t forget, we have training sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm, and also regularly host events and socials, and attend debate competitions across the U.K. and the world.

Contact Details

Liverpool Debating Union