We can't wait to work with you this year, whether you have been a student rep in previous years or you are brand new to the role, this training will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to effectively represent your peers!
The training is called ‘Rep 101’ and is open to all new and returning Course and School Reps
Rep 101 is a 2-hour session which will cover the main responsibilities of being a student rep, how to effectively participate in University meetings, as well as develop your knowledge and understanding of student representation structures at the University.
For those that have undertaken a student rep role in previous years at the University, the training will refresh your knowledge of the role and provide the opportunity for you to reflect on your experiences.
Once you have signed up to a session, we will email the Zoom link to you closer to the date/time of the session (this could be up to an hour before the session is due to begin).
Attending training is compulsory for all new and returning student rep and it is also a protocol to fulfil if you wish for your role activity to be recorded on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).
Please do not book on behalf of other students - we need to know the details of each attendee for monitoring purposes.
Attending a 'UG and PGT Rep Bystander Intervention Training' session is also mandatory and a requirement of the HEAR. Please see here for all available sessions: Bystander Intervention Training
Any questions, please contact the Student Voice Team: guildrepresentation@liverpool.ac.uk