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Join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) with pizza in Library at the Guild of Students, followed by Salsa Rueda classes in the Upstairs Dance Studio.


AGM is a key event where we reflect on the past year, review finances, gather feedback, and discuss exciting plans for the future. This is YOUR chance to help shape the next year of Salsa Society, so don’t miss out! The AGM will be followed by a special edition of free Salsa Rueda classes with guest teachers - Libby leading Beginners at 8pm and Angel leading Improvers at 9pm, so come along, have some pizza at the AGM, and let’s celebrate an amazing year together!

Why Attend?

✅ Have your say in how the society is run
✅ Share feedback on what you liked (or didn’t) this year
✅ Learn about society finances from our Treasurer
✅ Learn about committee roles and Elections 2025/26
✅ Discuss creating a Performance Team 2025/26
✅ Raise any ideas or questions for the future

What is Salsa Rueda?

Salsa rueda (also known as rueda de casino) is a style of salsa dancing which originated in Cuba. The basic steps are similar to Cuban style salsa. However, instead of each couple dancing individually, couples dancing rueda form a circle (“rueda” means “round” or “wheel” in Spanish) and perform moves together to the calls of one person known as the Líder or Cantador. Salsa rueda is perhaps the most standardized form of salsa dancing since every move has a name and there are a standard set of moves that all rueda dancers know, all there are regional variations. The following is a list of a few common salsa rueda calls:
Dile que no – cross body lead
Enchufla – back spot turn
Enchufla doble – do two enchfluas
Guapea – salsa rueda basic step
Camina – walk in a circle
Suena – everybody stomps
Un fly – jump in the air and clap
Sombrero – drape arms over each other’s head
Dame – switch partners
Dame dos – switch to the person after the person next to you


📌 All members are welcome! The deadline to grab your ticket is Sunday 30/03. Without it, you cannot attend.

If there’s anything you’d like to add to the agenda, let us know in advance.

See you there! 🎶🔥

Salsa Society Committee