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Learn basics of Options through Excel!

Join us for the Options in Excel Masterclass with Xi Fu, a Finance Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. 🚀

📅 Part 1: 12th March – Learn the basics of options & formulas in Excel
📅 Part 2: 19th March – Apply your knowledge with a live simulation

📍 Locations:
✅ Gilmore Room, Guild (Part 1)
✅ McKenzie Trading Room, Management School (Part 2)

🎓 Attend both sessions to receive a certificate signed by Xi Fu & LUIS!

🎟 Tickets: £2 for both sessions

If you buy this ticket online via the Guild website, you will be charged a booking fee of 1.5% per ticket, plus a 30p surcharge. Tickets are also available via the Guild Reception between 9-4:45 Monday to Friday. You will not be charged a booking fee or a surcharge, but please note this method is cash only. Please bring the correct tender, where possible, if purchasing at Reception.