A morality tale about morality tales, Into The Woods is so much more than an interwoven anthology of fables.
Revolving around a Baker's quest to lift a generational curse, this epic is a patchwork quilt of childhood classics - Jack and The Beanstalk, Cinderella, Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood - but through a kaleidoscopic lens that refracts a different perspective. Sondheim's nuanced classic ventures beyond the bed-time story, exploring the dangers of wish fulfilment and romanticism, removing the guise of fiction to expose our fallibility and critiquing the classically" individualistic, self-centred morals of fairy tales". Ask yourself "What happens after the stroke of Midnight?", "How does one recover after being temporarily housed in the stomach lining of a Wolf?", "How does one dispose of a collapsed beanstalk without a cow, a cart, or a green wheeley bin collection for the next two weeks?". Though it may sound like a you picked the wrong book off the shelf, this isn't a philosophy lesson, we promise! Breadcrumbs of comedy as golden as a Golden Egg laid by a Golden Hen are sprinkled liberally throughout! You have to take the journey! Now are we all sitting comfortably? Good. Once upon a time...
Death (not explicit), grief, blood and amputation, implied sexual assault, implied innappropriate sexual behaviour towards minors, murder/manslaughter,infertility, poking human eyes out, kidnapping, physical abuse, child neglect, death of family members.
Director – Elaya Guven
Musical Directors – Sullivan Rymarz and Emma Humble
Producer – Tabitha Fuller
Choreographer – Molly Trueman
Stage Manager – Chloe Eid
If you buy this ticket online via the Guild website, you will be charged a booking fee of 1.5% per ticket, plus a 30p surcharge. Tickets are also available via the Guild Reception between 9-4:45 Monday to Friday. You will not be charged a booking fee or a surcharge, but please note this method is cash only. Please bring the correct tender, where possible, if purchasing at Reception.