Sustainability Events

View this month's events

Fri 28th March

SOLD OUT City Bike Ride
6pm - 8:30pm
Crown Place Bikiosk
Join us for an evening bike ride!

Tue 1st April

Litter Pick @ Kensington Fields
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Look after where you live!
SOLD OUT: Plant Pot Painting and Herb Planting
2pm - 4pm
Elizabeth Gidney 1 Room
Paint a Plant Pot!

Wed 2nd April

Gardening with the Guild
2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Halls' Exclusive: City Bike Ride
6pm - 8:30pm
Crown Place Bikiosk
Join us for an evening bike ride!

Sat 19th April

Halls' Exclusive: Visit Ness Gardens
9:30am - 4:30pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Visit the University's own botanic garden!

Tue 29th April

Litter Pick @Smithdown
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Meet outside Guild Reception

Wed 30th April

Halls' Exclusive: Birdwatching at Burton Mere
10:30am - 4pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Visit our nearest RSPB nature reserve!
Gardening with the Guild
2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!

Fri 2nd May

Litter Pick (Location TBC)
1pm - 4pm
Meet outside Guild Reception

Tue 6th May

SOLD OUT Trip to Hilbre Island
11am - 5pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Enjoy a nature walk!

Wed 7th May

Gardening with the Guild
2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!

Fri 9th May

Cross-Stitch for Climate
2pm - 4pm
Gilmour Room
Create some environmental cross-stitch art!

Wed 14th May

Gardening with the Guild
2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Halls' Exclusive: Sew-cial!
5pm - 7pm
Philharmonic Court Common Room
Learn the basics of sewing, show off your skills, or just meet a new group of friends!
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