Give it a Go Top Picks

Our Give it a Go programme is full of free and low cost activities for you to enjoy throughout the year!

Whether you want to spend and afternoon crafting, explore a new part of the city or even take a day trip away, its all waiting for you at Give it a Go ๐Ÿ’š

Top Tip: If you live in University of Liverpool Halls of Residence you can find exclusive Halls' discounts and events just for you!

๐Ÿ’กHave an idea for an event, fancy getting your society involved with Give it a Go or want to give your feedback? Contact our HSC Coordinator, Tara, on

Halls' Exclusive: Foraging Walk and Cooking Session
2nd April 10am - 3pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Harvest the best that nature has to offer!
Sustainability | Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls | GIAG Top Picks
Crafternoon: Spring and Easter Crafting
3rd April 1pm - 4pm
Elizabeth Gidney Room
Calling all crafters!
Give It A Go | Social | GIAG Top Picks
Halls' Exclusive: Visit Ness Gardens
19th April 9:30am - 4:30pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Visit the University's own botanic garden!
Sustainability | Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls | GIAG Top Picks

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Give it a Go

Crafternoon: Clay Crafts
19th March 1pm - 26th March 3pm
Please see event description
Take a break from assignments and letโ€™s get crafting!
Give It A Go | Social
Litter Pick @Greenbank Park
25th March 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Help us Leave Liverpool Tidy!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering | Leave Liverpool Tidy | Leave Liverpool Tidy
Gardening with the Guild
26th March 2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering
Speed Mate-ing
26th March 6pm - 7:30pm
Gilmour Room
Did somebody say new besties?
Give It A Go | Speed Mate-ing | Social | Alcohol Free
City Bike Ride
28th March 6pm - 8:30pm
Crown Place Bikiosk
Join us for an evening bike ride!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green
SOLD OUT Halls' Exclusive: Visit Oxford
29th March 8am - 8:30pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Spend the day exploring a gorgeous city!
Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Halls Give it a Go | Social | Alcohol Free
SOLD OUT: Plant Pot Painting and Herb Planting
1st April 2pm - 4pm
Elizabeth Gidney 1 Room
Paint a Plant Pot!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green
Halls' Exclusive: Foraging Walk and Cooking Session
2nd April 10am - 3pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Harvest the best that nature has to offer!
Sustainability | Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls | GIAG Top Picks
Gardening with the Guild
2nd April 2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering
Halls' Exclusive: City Bike Ride
2nd April 6pm - 8:30pm
Crown Place Bikiosk
Join us for an evening bike ride!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls
Crafternoon: Spring and Easter Crafting
3rd April 1pm - 4pm
Elizabeth Gidney Room
Calling all crafters!
Give It A Go | Social | GIAG Top Picks
Halls' Exclusive: Visit Ness Gardens
19th April 9:30am - 4:30pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Visit the University's own botanic garden!
Sustainability | Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls | GIAG Top Picks
Litter Pick @Smithdown
29th April 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering | Leave Liverpool Tidy | Leave Liverpool Tidy
Halls' Exclusive: Birdwatching at Burton Mere
30th April 10:30am - 4pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Visit our nearest RSPB nature reserve!
Sustainability | Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls | Alcohol Free
Crafternoon: Study Break!
30th April 1pm - 4pm
Gilmour Room
Calling all crafters!
Give It A Go | Social
Gardening with the Guild
30th April 2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering
SOLD OUT Visit Lake Windermere
3rd May 8am - 7pm
Meet outside Union Brew
Need a breath of fresh air?
Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Social
SOLD OUT Trip to Hilbre Island
6th May 11am - 5pm
Meet outside Guild Reception
Enjoy a nature walk!
Sustainability | Travel or Trips | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls
Gardening with the Guild
7th May 2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering
Cross-Stitch for Climate
9th May 2pm - 4pm
Gilmour Room
Create some environmental cross-stitch art!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green
Gardening with the Guild
14th May 2pm - 4pm
Oliver Lodge Garden
Get stuck into gardening on campus!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Volunteering
Halls' Exclusive: Sew-cial!
14th May 5pm - 7pm
Philharmonic Court Common Room
Learn the basics of sewing, show off your skills, or just meet a new group of friends!
Sustainability | Give It A Go | Green | Halls Give it a Go | Halls

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