About Us

We are a society for all Sociology, Social Policy or Criminology students as well as those who do not study and simply have an interest in the topic! Everyone is welcome!

If you find studying society interesting, SSPC is for you! Our aim as a society is to provide a space for Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology students to come together, alongside those who do not study these but have an interest in these topics! There will be activities/events for students to take part in, drop-in study groups, socials, sober activities and more! There is something for everyone to get involved in!

Upcoming Events

SSPC Pub Crawl Social
3rd April 8:30pm - 11pm
meet at sphinx
Join us for another pub crawl social, with a theme of dressing as British icons!
22nd May 7pm - 11:30pm
Neighbourhood, Liverpool- 62 Castle Street, L2 7LQ
Join us for our end of year ball celebration at Neighbourhood, Liverpool. A formal dress code is required (dresses, shirt and tie etc). The ticket price includes a 2 course meal and a welcome drink of prosecco on arrival. DJ and photography included!


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