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As democratically elected leaders, your Student Officers remain accountable to you. They lead the direction of the Guild and help to ensure that our priorities are aligned with your needs, making sure your voice is heard. The Officers also make up one-third of the Board of Trustees, which is chaired by the Guild President. This means their work is at the heart of everything we do. 

Make sure you know how to get in touch with them and hold them to account, making the changes you need to see.

Contact Your Officers 

You can find out what your Student Officers have been doing on their Officer pages, including: their current priorities, what University committees they sit on, and any other updates.  

You can contact your Officers at any time to ask them questions about their work - this helps you make sure that what they’re doing is in the best interests of students.  

You can keep up to date with the Officers by: 

  • Emailing the Officers directly: via the contact details on our website 
  • Following them on Social Media: via the links on their webpages

Student Officer Petitioning Process

You can contact your Student Officers through email to ask a question or arrange to meet them, to understand reasoning or the most up to date information on a project/campaign/decision. If you are not satisfied with their response you can take further actions:

  1. A Student Officer to write a report on the subject the student is raising (50 student signatures required)
  2. A Student Officer attends an extraordinary Student Officer Question Time (2% of membership signatures required signatures required)
  3. A motion for no confidence under the current guidelines.

Guidelines on a motion of no confidence: 

  • Members can remove a Sabbatical Officer, Student Trustee or external Trustee by calling an all student vote (referendum). 
  • A referendum can be called by a petition on the Guild website (Change It) agreed to by at least 3% of the Members of the Guild.
  • The trustee will be removed if there is a two-thirds majority in favour of removal and at least 3% of the Members of the Guild vote in favour of removal.


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