What's good, #LivUni students?
I am thrilled to announce my candidacy to represent you.
Yes, you!
Delegates are the vital link between our university and the National Union of Students.
Only your vote can drive change.
Together, we can influence NUS policies and the leaders who will run the organization.
pham has listened to you when you needed support, through various mediums.
pham has listened to when you just had enough of that one waffle-y module, as a course rep.
pham has listened to you when your society needed more funding, as a Mini Spend It panel member.
pham is ready to listen to you again.
There could not be a better candidate.
This year, 8 elected positions are up for grabs.
Do you really want valuable positions used by the Clueless?
Come on guys, I loved the Alicia Silverstone movie too, but when it's something as crucial as your student voice, go with the experienced pham.
You're staking £27,500 here, at least make the uni get the bang for your buck by using pham to improve your student experience; Only at the NUS conference. ????
Me after finding out you voted for me: