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PGR reps create the link between students across the University and our Student Officers, working with staff, colleagues and fellow students to improve the student research experience – identifying and discussing issues that may arise. We know that PGR students have a unique experience whilst studying at University. PGR reps are the best placed people to help shape this experience.

  • Training – all PGR Reps should attend the training we provide. These sessions will provide the opportunity for you to meet with other reps, discuss some of the key issues facing PGR students and understand the resources and support available to you in your role. You will also receive Bystander Intervention training which aims to improve students’ knowledge and understanding of sexual misconduct, other types of misconduct and harassment to encourage individuals to feel empowered to challenge it.
  • Collecting feedback – As a PGR Rep you will actively gather feedback from students within your research area or school/department to understand what the key issues are affecting the student experience, as well as any good practice. Areas to collect feedback on may relate to admissions and induction, the research environment, supervision, and progress and assessment.
  • Committee meetings – You will attend Staff-Student Liaison Committees (SSLCs) within your school/department where you will discuss the feedback you have collected from your peers with staff. This is your chance to work with other reps and University staff to come up with solutions to student issues and share best practice. You may also attend an agenda-setting/pre-SSLC meeting before an SSLC.
  • Support – Within the Guild you will be appointed a Student Voice Coordinator (SVC) who will support you throughout the year. You can arrange catch ups and attend regular 1:1s with the SVC to obtain information and support

Being a PGR Rep is a great experience which will allow you to connect with like-minded individuals and become part of a student community with other PGR Reps. You will also have the opportunity to build networks with a range of academic and professional services staff, and improve knowledge of how University’s operate, in relation to student representation structures.

As a rep, you have a real opportunity to improve the PGR experience and bring about positive change for current and future student cohorts.

Traditionally recruitment will take place at the start of the year. Depending on the start of your studies, this may be different for PGR reps but we will be in touch. During this first week of your studies, students are asked if they would like to volunteer as a PGR Rep; there should then be a selection process or an election where the Course Reps for the year are confirmed. To become a PGR Rep, contact your Student Experience Administrator to put your name forward within the first week of the academic year.

If you have any questions or would like more support, please contact the student voice team by emailing


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