A Joint Statement on Pro-Life Society

 Following the registration of a pro-life society at the Guild, both the Guild and the University have received calls for the society to be closed down. We would like to thank all the students who let us know their thoughts on this matter.  

The Guild is home to hundreds of student-led societies, covering a wide range of beliefs, interests and activities. The Guild recognises that our members will not always agree with every society, and that there can be disagreement between different groups. We are committed to facilitating respectful, inclusive debate. As with all Guild societies, this new group will have to follow the Code of Conduct, which seeks to create an environment where everyone is treated with dignity, fairness and respect. 

As part of the University’s Policy and Code of Practice Regarding Freedom of Speech, which is in line with legislation, the Guild is required to ensure that individuals and groups are free, within the law, to hold meetings or other activities “regardless of the beliefs, views, policies or objectives of that individual or body.” Further, the law makes clear that students’ unions have to “ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the use of premises of the establishment is not denied to any individual or body or persons on any ground connected with (a) the beliefs or views of that individual or any member of that body; or (b) the policy objectives of that body.” (Education (No.2) Act 1986). 

This means that the Guild is unable to turn down a proposal for a society simply on the basis of that group’s ideas or views, unless those opinions break the law. The Guild’s requirement to protect free speech means that, even if our democratic structures were to decide that they did not wish to approve a particular society, we would be unable to act on that direction, as doing so would be in breach of our obligations to protect free speech.  

We understand that this is an issue that inspires strong feelings on both sides, and the Guild is committed to working with its members to ensure that the debate is carried out in line with the Code of Conduct, in a respectful and inclusive way. 

We understand the concerns raised about women’s rights on campus, and we maintain our support and commitment to women’s rights. Our joint priority remains ensuring that all students feel safe and supported. We are committed to ensuring that any student who needs support can access non-judgemental, confidential advice that empowers them to make the right decision for themselves. 

Any student seeking advice on pregnancy or sexual health can contact Axess Sexual Health (https://www.axess.clinic/), who provide non-judgemental, non-directive support and advice. 

Students who have been affected by sexual violence can access support and advice from RASA Merseyside http://www.rasamerseyside.org/ 

Students seeking advice on housing or University procedures, or who would like to be signposted to an external agency can speak to the Guild’s Advice Team. Details can be found at http://www.liverpoolguild.org/advice 

The University provides advice and support on a range of wellbeing issues including pregnancy and sexual health for more information see Wellbeing Advice and Guidance - Student Services - University of Liverpool

Any students who have questions can contact the Guild Officers at guildweb@liverpool.ac.uk