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International Students, welcome to your digital hub!

This page is for all students who self-define as having an international background, whether that means you have come to the UK to study or have lived in multiple cultural environments. This includes students from both within the European Union (EU) and outside of it, and those who pay both home and international fees.

This is your one-stop place to access resources, come together, connect with other international students and receive any support you may need to enhance your University experience.

Want to find out more about our Student Communities? Sign up to our mailing list here.

Have a question for our team? Contact us at

Discover useful resources, support and how to get involved below.

Being an international student is an experience that presents so many positive opportunities for careers and personal development, but it is not without its own set of unique issues:

  • Surveys conducted throughout the pandemic show 77% of students applied because of the UK’s strong academic reputation, while over half (53%) said the UK’s diversity, multicultural experience, and welcome they would receive were key reasons they applied. (UCAS, 2022)
  • International students may experience ‘adaptation’ - challenges as they transition into a new academic and sociocultural environment, including language, communication, difficulties in forming social ties, feeling lonely, academic difficulties and new ways of learning (Experiences of International Students studying in the UK during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2022)
  • Half of students surveyed by UCAS didn’t feel ready to start their course – revealing a gap in knowledge and support during the crucial transition to studying in the UK (UCAS, 2022)
  • The Government and Visa protection: the government has been limiting the scope of international student visas, to the detriment of those who are coming to the UK to study. One such change has been the limitation of dependents allowed to enter the UK alongside a student studying a short-term postgraduate degree, ending students’ ability to switch from study to work visas if they find a job (The Guardian, 2023)

Join the International Students’ Network for a safe space to socialise, share experiences and discuss issues with likeminded people, make real change and gain CV boosting skills through organising campaigns, events and social activities.

There are many different societies you can get involved with, such as our Celebrating Culture societies.

  • International Advice and Guidance (IAG) - Support for all international students from your initial visa application, throughout your studies, to your graduation and beyond. This team provide specialist visa and immigration advice and support as well as support with any personal and welfare issues.
  • Guild Advice - Free, independent, non-judgemental advice on a range of topics including academic issues, wellbeing, accommodation, and university life.
  • Guide to University of Liverpool Services - This is a comprehensive overview of the services and support the university offers students, including International Advice and Guidance, Money, Advice and Guidance and Disability, Advice and Guidance. It also contains information on how to access Counselling and Mental Health Advisory services.
  • University of Liverpool Money Advice and Guidance - Part of the University’s Student Services offering money managing advice, on things like loans, financial support for carers, emergency short term loans and support schemes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic such as quarantine cost support.

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