Take your education into your own hands and map your modules against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in this impactful volunteering opportunity
Take your education into your own hands and map your modules against the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in this impactful volunteering opportunity run in collaboration with SOS-UK.
Discover how well your degree modules prepare you for the environmental, social and economic challenges and employment needs of the future! Are you keen to develop your auditing, evaluation and analysis skills to enhance future job prospects? The Guild is running a project, with SOS UK, to map individual undergraduate course modules against the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs set out a global 'to do' list to meet ambitious targets such as no poverty, zero hunger, inclusive economic growth, equality, diversity, human rights and an environmentally sustainable planet by 2030. We believe that Higher Education has an important role to play in addressing these goals, particularly through the curricula and the development of the leaders of the future.
New for 2024! Decolonisation criteria have been added to the mapping process
We aim to
- Provide information to the University on the extent to which the SDGs and decolonisation are currently embedded into a sample of curricula and identify good practice
- Promote discussion between academics, students and Course Reps on module delivery
- Establish a baseline against which progress can be measured.
- Provide an opportunity for students to participate in SOS-UK Curriculum Mapping Training that will allow students to develop auditing, critical evaluation and analysing skills that will further their knowledge in SDGs.
- Provide an opportunity for students to take a lead on influencing the change in their curriculum and pushing the University to take a more impactful approach to sustainability in Higher Education
This project will provide you with an opportunity to be involved in promoting curriculum change that makes a real difference, ensuring your studies meet the current global challenges.
Full training will be provided and all activity as a volunteer auditor can be recognised on your HEAR, if you complete 7+ hours of activity. We will organise a 1.5 hour training sesision and you will maintain contact with the project team through emails.
For more information, please contact the Guild's Sustainability Manager, Lizzie Larner on lgsustainability@liverpool.ac.uk. We'll also be hosting online information sessions on the following dates:
06/02/25; 5-5.30pm
07/02/25; 11-11.30am
10/02/25; 3-3.30pm
11/02/25; 10.30-11am
Benefits to self
Development of critical thinking and auditing skills
Assessing whether modules reflect skills needed for the future
Benefits to others
Ensure future modules reflect the SDG goals and current decolonising principles to give future students the best possible education for the future
Online / in person sessions
Training available
1.5hr online training session on 13/02/25 to get to grips with the background of the project and the mapping criteria with the opportunity to start mapping modules with staff on hand to help.
Regular 'Mapping and Pizza' sessions for students to map modules as a group and ask any questions with support on hand if needed