Elections FAQs
Want to know more about the role of a Student Officer or running in the election? We’ve got you covered. Find all of our most frequently asked questions below.
I’m having trouble voting?
Step 1: Close the page and open a new browser
Step 2: Follow the above How to vote steps and see if this resolves the issue.
If you are still having issues and are eligible to vote please email guildweb@liverpool.ac.uk
Voting is open from 9am on Monday 17th March – 2pm on Friday 21st March.
Who can vote?
Students who can vote in the Student Officer Election are full members and have full access to our services.
This includes:
- Liverpool Undergraduate students
- &based Postgraduate students (both taught and research) and
- Intercalating Medical students (including those studying at a different institution).
Students who cannot vote and have access to a selection of our services are known as our associate members.
This includes:
- ERASMUS students
- Foundation College students
- International exchange students
- Cayman Islands Law School students
- Laureate (online) students.
Why do we have an election?
Liverpool Guild of Students is a democratically led organisation for over 30,000 student members.
Every year, students are given the chance to vote for, and stand to be one of, the four Student Officers who run our organisation. The four students who are elected are paid a salary and work full-time with us for one-year term. Their post involves representing students and making day–to-day decisions on behalf of the organisation. The Student Officers also make up one-third of the Board of Trustees, which is chaired by the Guild President.
The Student Officer Elections gives students the chance to make sure the Guild represents you!
What is a Student Officer?
Elected every year by UoL students, our four Student Officers work full time at the Guild to be the voice of students, run campaigns, support activities and bring your ideas to life, making sure the wider community can hear your voices loud and clear.
Forget an interview, to become one of our Student Officers, candidates will stand in our Student Officer Election, campaigning for students’ votes with a manifesto of your big ideas to improve your student experience.
How does the election work?
Guild Elections use the single transferable vote (STV) system. This means the election is preferential. Voters can rank as many candidates as they choose, in the order they like them best. Voters can select from 1 to up to all candidates. All candidates run for the President role, and the ‘top’ 4 candidates are elected in order; President, Deputy President, & two Vice Presidents.
When do we know who has won?
Results are announced once voting has closed on the Friday of Vote Week. We’ll be revealing your Student Officers 2025/26 at our Elections Results event on Friday 15th March from 6:30pm in the Stanley Theatre.