My manifesto
Students need good teachers, not good academics.
The Solgan is self explanatory, We don't need amazing academics with hundreds of publications as much as good teachers and mentors that can explain concepts properly and act as mentors during our years in the university.
I am a third year student Civil engineering and currently I'm the course representative, during my years I talked to 10's of students about issues they are facing and the vast majority of them didn't mention buses, accommodation or food they all talked about their courses and how they always have issues in the way they are taught or who is teaching them.
I'm not saying that the people that is employed by they university are horrible or bad in fact they are (in general) good people with brilliant minds and they work hard to be good at teaching but that is not enough. They might be amazing scientists or wonderful academics but from the students prespective that is not enough.
finally the guild of students unfortunately are busy with game nights and creating content other than focusing on the real issues that students face. What is the point of having a guild if they only thing we can change is what is the theme of our next party? What is the point of sending surveys if nothing is changing? I think this must stop and things should be changed.