My manifesto
Vote Holly!
Hi everyone, I am Holly, and I am re-running to be your guild president!
Since being elected I have released the gender expression fund, the guild permanent swap shop and made the campus pro-choice, as well as lobbying the council and university on increasing safety by organising the reclaim the night march and directly speaking to them on this issue. I have also organised for better and cheaper housing and public transport. I want to continue developing some of my work and most importantly continue to make sure that the student voice is heard.
My key policies are:
- To continue to push the university to be net zero by 2035 and increase pressure on the university to cut emissions
- Increase zero waste initiatives on campus
Improved and cheaper bus services
- A student ticket (and day ticket) for across the Merseyside region
- Leahurst campus bus
Improve university accommodation and increase support on student tenants’ rights (reduce the rent)
- Reduce student accommodation costs
- Increase support on student tenants’ rights
Increasing student safety and to tackle sexual harassment and violence
- Introduce anti spiking covers and drug testing kits so students can experience a safe night out
- Lobbying council and university to increase safety across the city
Ethical Investment
- Get the university to stop funding fossil fuels and arms companies
We need universities to become more affordable through housing and transport as well as making sure students feel safe and supported. It is important that universities become more sustainable, due to the impact the climate crisis will have on the globe. The University needs to take this all seriously!
I am always happy to listen to others’ concerns and stand up for people’s rights. I take an active role in discussions around social issues and will make sure our voices are heard!