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We are a registered charity. We’re also a company limited by guarantee, which is governed by a Board of Trustees who hold the ultimate responsibility for everything we do. Our Board of Trustees meet at least four times a year to make sure we are working towards or achieving what we say we will.

We’re a democratically led organisation for over 27,000 student members. Our staff team work together to carry out our mission, vision and values.

Charitable purposes

We make sure that we:

  1. Provide opportunities for students to express opinions and actively represent, support and advise them
  2. Are a recognised and representative channel of communication between students and the University of Liverpool, and other external bodies
  3. Promote the interests and welfare of students at the University of Liverpool
  4. Facilitate social, cultural, sports and recreational activities, provide forums for discussions and debate to further the personal development of students, and also provide them with services and support
  5. Work with other Students’ Unions and affiliated bodies.


Every year, students are given the chance to vote for, and stand to be one of, the four Student Officers who run our organisation. The four who are elected are paid a salary and work full-time with us for one year. Their post involves representing students and making day–to-day decisions on behalf of the organisation. The Student Officers make up one-third of the Board of Trustees, which is chaired by the President.

Change It

Students can use our Change It section to submit ideas for changes they’d like to see which would improve their university experience. Straightforward ideas can often be dealt with quickly by our Student Officers and staff team, however more complex ideas will be sent for discussion at Guild Summit and/or a Preferendum for consideration by all students.


We receive most of our funding from the University of Liverpool. We get this each year in the form of a block grant. We also raise funds through trading (bars, the shop and Starbucks) and a small amount from donations and other grants. As a charity, we do not generate profits to pay to shareholders - every penny that is made is reinvested back into the organisation. Our audited accounts are published annually and presented to students at our Annual Members Meeting.


We’re run in accordance with a number of policies. These have been proposed by Student Officers or students themselves, and have ultimately been approved by our Board of Trustees.

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